Sessions / Side-events Submission

The official language of the Tropical Summit 2024 is English.

What is a Session?

You can organise a session on a topic aligned with the priority themes within each thematic area (see Programme at a Glance). Please note that some of these topics may be transversal to multiple thematic areas.

What is a Side-event?

You can organise a side-event on a topic aligned with the Tropical Summit's concept, however not specifically addressing one of the priority themes identified.

Both sessions and side-events have the same organization rules.

Guidelines for Session/Side-event organiser:

When registering to organise a session/side-event, a chairperson must be indicated, as well as a list of potential speakers. All the sessions have a limited time of 90 minutes. If you require a tailor made session, please contact us for more information. The sessions can be organised as: roundtables, debates, workshops, project showcases, workgroups, pitch & reverse pitch, B2B & bilateral meetings, Science-Business and others.

For further information, please contact the secretariat,

Registration options:

  • For a room with 50 pax, 2 free passes for the three days of the Summit;
  • For a room with 60 pax, 2 free passes for the three days of the Summit;
  • For an auditorium with 300 pax, 6 free passes for the three days of the Summit.

All fees in EUR

(até 15 Março 2024)
Very High Developed Countries
(até 15 Março 2024)
Other countries
(até 15 Março 2024)
Rooms for 50 pax
Rooms for 60 pax
Auditorium for 300 pax