Social Advocacy


Social advocacy is inscribed in the origin of the Tropical Summit, both in its concept and in the very typology and structure of the event. Operating in the perspective of creating tangible and practical solutions that may have had meaning on different scales, the objectives of the Summit are heavily dependent on its ability to stimulate multi- and transdisciplinary partnerships, able to face the complexity of the challenges of the present.

Thus, the Tropical Summit will cultivate a transformative and positively influential environment of learning, dedication and individual and collective decision-making. In terms of content, a result-oriented strategy will try to fill the common divagation – both due to the diversity and quantity of information and the density of challenges. Using what is available, the public present will potentially be sensitized to the commitment, regardless of their position and level of responsibility.

From resonant messages to the application of its content, the Summit will seek to stage the experiences of the various participants and empower them, to the extent possible, to go further, in search of the most sustainable practices and socio-economic transformations necessary for fair and equitable development. Recognizing the dynamic nature of the social challenges, the vast team behind the Tropical Summit – representatives of the College of Tropical, the various Schools of the University of Lisbon, the FARA, and other partners still to sign – will carefully design a programme, in its entirety and in its detail, that goes to meet the established objectives and the most coherent guidelines from an ethical point of view.