
We are very pleased to welcome you to Porto.

Bongiwe Njobe

Board Chairperson of FARA and Chairperson of Perishable Products Exports Certification Agency, South Africa

Ahmed Zacky

Chief Executive Officer at Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr; Medical Doctor specialized in Tropical Medicine and Public Health

Arjun Appadurai

Emeritus Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University and a Permanent Visiting Professor at Humboldt University

David Simon

Professor of Development Geography, University of London, United Kingdom and IPCC AR7 Climate Change and Cities Special Report Scoping Team

Inês Macamo Raimundo

Geography Professor and Researcher in African Migrations and urbanization; Centre for Policy Analysis at Eduardo Mondlane University

Jeffrey Sachs

President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University

Jens-Christian Svenning

Aarhus University, Director of the Center for Ecological Dynamics in a Novel Biosphere

Palesa Sekhejane

Director of the Strategic Partnerships Unit of the Human Sciences Research Council

Patrícia Morellato

Professor at UNESP (São Paulo State University, Brazil) and the Director of the Center for Research on Biodiversity Dynamics and Climate Change (CBioClima), supported by FAPESP; Associate Editor of the journals Flora and Global Ecology and Biogeography

Peyi Soyinka-Airewele

Professor at Ithaca College, New York, and Chairperson of the Tompkins County Human Rights Commission

Sammy Aggrey

Professor in Genetics and Genomics at the University of Georgia; Richard B. Russell Endowed Chair and Professor at the Department of Poultry Science, University of Georgia, Athens GA