Key Dates

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Early Bird Registration
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until 21 June, 2024
Regular Registration
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22 Jun. to 30 Sep., 2024
Late Registration
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01 Oct. to 31 Oct., 2024
3º prazo de inscrição
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Dias do congresso
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Closing of the platform for Summary Submission (2nd call)
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15 September, 2024
Announcement of Accepted Summaries (1st call)
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until 31 July, 2024
Announcement of Accepted Summaries (2nd call)
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until 27 September, 2024
Closing of the platform for Side-events Submission (2nd call)
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15 September, 2024
Announcement of accepted Side-events (1st call)
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until 31 July, 2024
Announcement of Accepted Side-events  (2nd call)
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until 27 September, 2024
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End of Exhibition Booking
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4 October, 2024
Exposição técnica e patrocínios
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Abertura do portal do expositor
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a confirmar
Envio de textos e logotipos para o site
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a confirmar
Envio de maquetas de stands
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15 de setembro 2023
Divulgação da planta da exposição
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30 de setembro 2023