

The Tropical Summit reflects a clear shift from events within the same spectrum, mainly thanks to the multi-actor, multi- and transdisciplinary approach, inclusive and holistic, impact-generating and focused on the achievement of the goals that 2030 Agenda aims to.

Not being held hostage to a single theme or sector, which could distance important actors, the Summit covers four central, intersecting and related thematic axes, which are structural for the goals that are aimed at achieving by the end of the decade. The same logic applies to the target audiences, as it assumes as an attentive and welcoming forum for the various stakeholders, accommodating the needs and interests of the various participants, and offering wide opportunities for interaction, sharing views and exchange of experiences and competences. Thus, a strong adherence of start-ups, funders, policymakers, consultants, associations, researchers, professionals of non-governmental organizations, educational institutions and representatives of the private sector - from large companies to medium-sized and small - is expected.

Although it takes place in Lisbon, the event is based on a solid network of international and transcontinental partnerships, with a view to reversing the trend of the predominance of the Global North in defining the agendas for tropical regions. By actively involving stakeholders from the Global South, the Summit will ensure a more inclusive and representative platform where different voices will contribute to the co-creation and definition of solutions.